
Title: The Implementation of the "Twenty Big" in Nanning, the Capital City of Guangxi Province


The "Twenty Big" refers to the central government's twenty key strategies and policies for China's development. These initiatives cover various aspects such as economic development, social progress, and environmental protection. As the capital city of Guangxi Province, Nanning plays a crucial role in implementing these strategies. This article aims to delve into the efforts made by Nanning to implement the "Twenty Big" and the impact it has on the city's development.

1. Economic Development:

Nanning has been focusing on enhancing its economic development in line with the "Twenty Big" policy. The city has taken measures to attract investment, promote industrial transformation, and improve business environment. The establishment of industrial parks, financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and tax incentives for strategic emerging industries have all contributed to Nanning's economic growth and innovation.

2. Infrastructure Construction:

Infrastructure is the foundation for economic development and improved quality of life. Nanning has invested heavily in building transportation networks, including highways, railways, and airports, to enhance regional connectivity and promote economic integration. Furthermore, the city has undertaken urban renewal projects to improve the living environment, ensuring a better quality of life for residents.

3. Poverty Alleviation:

Poverty alleviation is a key target of the "Twenty Big" policy, and Nanning has made remarkable progress in this area. The government has implemented targeted poverty alleviation measures, focusing on education, healthcare, and skills training. By providing support and resources to impoverished areas, Nanning has lifted a significant number of people out of poverty, leading to improved living conditions and increased social stability.

4. Environmental Protection:

Environmental protection is a crucial component of the "Twenty Big" policy. Nanning has prioritized ecological conservation and sustainable development. The city has implemented strict environmental regulations, invested in renewable energy, and promoted green technologies. Efforts have been made to improve air and water quality, reduce waste, and increase green spaces, resulting in a healthier and more livable environment for residents.

5. Cultural Preservation and Innovation:

Preserving and promoting traditional culture is another aspect emphasized in the "Twenty Big" policy. Nanning has taken steps to safeguard its cultural heritage through the renovation and restoration of historic sites, museums, and art galleries. Additionally, the city has actively encouraged cultural innovation and creative industries to flourish, promoting cultural exchange and contributing to the city's unique charm.

6. Social Welfare and Healthcare:

Improving social welfare and healthcare services is a key goal of the "Twenty Big" policy. Nanning has invested heavily in the construction of public facilities, such as hospitals and schools, to provide better services to its residents. The government has also implemented comprehensive social security systems to support vulnerable groups and ensure social equity.

7. Education and Innovation:

Nanning has prioritized education and innovation to foster talent and drive economic development. The city has established research institutes and innovation centers to promote technological advancement and entrepreneurship. Collaboration between universities, research institutions, and industries has created a favorable environment for innovation and contributed to Nanning's transformation into a regional innovation hub.


Nanning, as the capital city of Guangxi Province, is diligently implementing the "Twenty Big" policy in various aspects. Through its efforts in economic development, infrastructure construction, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, social welfare, education, and innovation, Nanning has witnessed significant progress and improvements in the quality of life for its residents. The implementation of the "Twenty Big" policy has undoubtedly played a vital role in shaping Nanning into a dynamic, sustainable, and inclusive city.

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