
OpenChoice is a software suite developed by Tektronix for its oscilloscopes and other test and measurement instruments. It is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for data analysis and instrument control, as well as easy integration with other software tools.

The OpenChoice software suite includes several applications, such as the OpenChoice Desktop software, which provides a graphical user interface for accessing and controlling instrument parameters and data acquisition. Another application is the SignalVu-PC, which provides advanced analysis tools for signal processing and modulation analysis.

To download OpenChoice, first, you need to visit the Tektronix website ( and navigate to the product page for your instrument. From there, you can find the OpenChoice software option and select the appropriate version for your operating system. The software is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.

The installation process for OpenChoice is straightforward. The software package includes an installation wizard, which guides you through the process step-by-step. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the software directly from your desktop.

One of the key benefits of using OpenChoice is the ability to customize and automate data acquisition and analysis tasks. The software allows you to create customized measurement setups and automates data storage and analysis, saving time and increasing efficiency.

Another benefit of OpenChoice is its support for a wide range of data formats. The software supports common file formats such as CSV, HDF5, and Excel, as well as proprietary instrument file formats. This allows you to easily share data with other tools and software packages.

Overall, the OpenChoice software suite is an essential tool for anyone working with Tektronix oscilloscopes and other test and measurement instruments. With its user-friendly interface and advanced analysis capabilities, the software makes it easy to collect, analyze, and share data, saving both time and effort while ensuring accurate results.

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